Tuesday 19 March 2013

TBST - Basic Internet Marketing - Part 3

Understanding Search:


Spiders, Crawlers, Bots (or Robots) - These are automated processes that search engines use to visit all your sites and index what they find there. 


Natural and Organic Searches - These are the lists of unpaid advertising sites that are generated after you do a keyword search. They are the result of the search engine’s algorithm (a set of mathematical rules). They are different than a non-organic result (which may include paid advertising).


Paid Searches - If your search for something more specific, like “Benjamin Moore Paint,” the results show a paid ad first (with a very pale yellow background) and even a map with the nearest location, before the natural leads follow.


Uniform (or Universal) Resource Locator (URL) - This is the address of an Internet page. For example, www.velsoft.co is the URL, or Internet address, for Velsoft Training Materials’ hub site.


Pinging - This is a process where you can advise the search engines that a change has been made. You can start pinging with a third-party service, or you can set up your website, blog, and so on to do it automatically.  For example, large blogging sites such as WordPress, Blogger, or TypePad have pinging built in to their service already.


For other sites, you simply have to submit the URL of the page you updated, the name of the page or
title of your article or information, and then click Submit. The service you are using will broadcast a
message that your URL has been updated.

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