Tuesday 19 March 2013

TBST - Basic Internet Marketing - Part 2

Extending Your Influence:

Consider what your products and services are.  Position your messages to tell a story about who uses your product and how it helps. Stop yourself from just explaining features and benefits. 

Marketing over the Internet, and through social media in particular, allows us to connect and share stories much more easily than print media used to.   If you think of this in terms of influence rather than selling, you can start to consider how you can share what your company does, what it stands for within the context of a community, and how to present  yourself.

The community is a big part of marketing and social networking today. You can create connections to your community and influence their decisions without having to sell directly. Sponsoring a team, helping out a charity, or offering people information instead of commercial advertising all help to create an atmosphere of influence. These approaches reflect the successes of relationship building and
consultative selling rather than direct sales.

As Seth Godin has said in several of his books, what we really need is to be remarkable. So go ahead and get away from your ordinary way of doing business, step out of the proverbial cubicles and boxes, and entertain something different. Get your message out by daring to do it differently than everyone else, including yourself.

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